
Saturday, January 8, 2011

It just Won't Work- Yugioh Decks

Recently, I have been trying to test out creativity in many different decks. Taking out cards such as Gorz, sangan, mst,cold wave,bottomless trap hole and cards people see in almost every deck. My only successful deck like this was a REMOVE FROM PLAY DECK. This deck consisted of only cards that remove other cards from play. Cards like bottomless trap hole, macro cosmos, banisher, soul release and others. The reason why this was successful is because a lot of yugioh decks work around the graveyard. This deck shuts down the graveyard just like grave-keeper do. It even stops grave-keepers. I have had comments on my videos saying I suck and that my decks are bad. I have learned that if you don't play mainstream you will always get this hate. When I was at locals I didn't have a top tier deck and I was laughed at. I was laughed at because I didn't have mirror force in my deck. I was called a bad player. It may not be 100% percent true that if you don't play these cards you will lose but it is true that these cards will help you 100% percent of the time. STAPLES are used for a reason. I understand what doesn't work and why people are angry and I know I am making them angry. This never happened before until I decided to try something different. It goes to show that if something works it works for a reason. That's why decks at the top are played and certain cards are always played. They just Work! Going against that makes me people look dumb. That's why it's so difficult to be different. My tip is to keep the Staples and the cards that work and tech certain cards instead of mainstreaming them.


  1. Don't worry to much about it. No matter what you do in yu-gi-oh people will always hate. I love that fact that you were trying to splash in old underused and forgotten about cards. A lot of your videos actually make good point on how those cards need to be used more. Just don't let it get to you.

  2. I actually run a 50 card macro/remove from play deck, and the guys at my school hate it.lolz Its only sad that it's hard to get a decent duel going because so many people don't want to chance their favorite or most critical card from being removed. I took you up on the challenge and turns out its pretty beasty. ((^_^))
