
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Perfecting My Horus the Black Flame Dragon Deck-

I have always loved the yugioh card called "Horus the Black Flame Dragon". It's the card that got me back into yugioh in the summer of 2008. I looked at this card and read it's effects and was amazed at it's power. It Can negate spells!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWW!!! From there I had to make it into a deck. I have play tested so many different versions of this deck. I would say over 20 different versions. I have used plasma, king dragun,Red eyes darkness metal, jinzo, counter traps, trap stun, royal decree, treeborn, stardust, monarchs,plants, forbidden chalice, effect veiler, and different draw power such as, moray of greed, d-draw, and trade in. This deck has seen it fair play of play testing. I have used all dragons, Destiny hero version, and synchro versions. I will talk about each version in a later post. This post is a test post and will continue soon.

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