
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Yugioh Side Deck Cards 2012

HELLO!!!! OMG why don't yugioh players use this card?? Summon limit!! Both players cannot summon more than twice. Here is what I think. Yugioh players don't want to side deck cards that would hurt them too. Most of the meta is about summoning a lot of monsters in one turn. Summon limit could hurt the player that is siding it. So? What deck would use this card? Anti-meta Gadgets,T.g. stun, Dark worlds maybe, and Skill drain stun decks. I could use it in black wings to control the game. mmmmm...

1 comment:

  1. I've tried this card its great but triple MST and Heavy storm wrecks it. it aint worth it. With the game being so fast (almost every deck could OTK todays game) so its really up to the person.
